Committed Use Discount on Google Cloud SQL

Harshad Patel
2 min readJun 26, 2020

Fully managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.


  • Ensure business continuity with reliable and secure services backed by 24/7 SRE team
  • Reduce maintenance cost with fully managed relational databases in the cloud
  • Automates database provisioning, storage capacity management, and other time-consuming tasks
  • Easy integration with existing apps and Google Cloud services like GKE and BigQuery


Cloud SQL offers sizes to fit any budget. Pricing varies with settings, including how much storage, memory, and CPU you provision. Cloud SQL offers per-second billing and database instances are easy to stop and start.

Source Google Cloud Document

Now committed use discount is also available in cloud sql. Following are the steps to enable to the committed discount:

  1. Go to Billing section on cloud console

2. Search for What’s New and click on PURCHASE CLOUD SQL COMMITMENT:



Harshad Patel

7x GCP | 2X Oracle Cloud| 1X Azure Certified | Cloud Data Engineer